Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2011


its a kind of magic.. this my friends might be the town you could fall in love with. or maybe i could. its a weird version of vienna, with palm trees. and a beach all along the city. the joggers that run along schoenbrunn every morning would be jealous. i am.

what it got to do with vienna? well i felt like people dont care so much about you. no one gets excited when recognizing youre not from here. stores actually got a defined closing time. a lot less noisy. less people begging for money on the streets.
might all got something to do with holidays, as mentioned earlier, i think the entire population of montevideo left to the beaches. anyway, i liked it, and vienna for its part could need some southamerican flair; so things would be fine with me even when holidays are over hrhr

they miss the old palaces and well all the old buildings vienna got but hey who the hell wants to see more old buildings? vienna got that kind of spirit that its age makes the magic. here its different. i didnt find out so far what makes montevideo special, but i could mention some things that make it sparkle for me.

basically its a big town, got something of everything, but its not an oversize town that got too much of anything. like b.a. city. people are nice, but not too nice. its fun for some time saying youre from austria. but after a while you get bored and start finding funny answers to the questions, that are all the same anyway. [best creative answer to "what do you do for a living", a dude in rosario: gynacologist, you should have seen my face]. easier when people dont ask so many questions..

montevideo got a beach and palmtrees. and no snow in winter. thats what i would change in vienna, immediately, if i could. solution to the ugly water of rio de la plata: two hours bus down the coast, maybe less, breathtaking beaches.

things to do when in montevideo

for real, im not sure about that. as santi got a huuge house and a pool we didnt move to much. but things you should actually do: take a walk in the centro and see the parks, and you gonna find out no matter where you go you always end up at the sea. go to the harbour and walk around the market hall. see the beach. beaches. but dont look at the water.
open for any suggestions for next visit to montevideo :)

ah and get somehow out in the bay and have a look at montevideo skyline, at night, awesome!

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