Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011

surpreme couching

lulu left buenos aires. today. the end of an incredible era just began. santiago is gonna leave in two days. kiia, the finlandesa, left last week. things keep changing, next monday a girl from holand is gonna move in. and supposably in august a girl from denmark arrives in la madriguera in august.

and there is a new couch. tremendous changes.. we just left jobs bar, the goodbye party of santiago, and found a couch on the streets. well.. i wouldnt fall in love with a couch someone just declared to be garbage, but the guys did. of couse. how could they eventually leave a couch just stand around somewhere in recoleta, buenos aires?? so they carried it home, put it in the ascensor, now its being around. in the living so far, supposably its being moved to the balcony soon.

well. lets stick to the basics. lulu and kiia left. some days passed by that we all seven spent together which was unique enough; today i said goodbye meet ya in europe to lulu. what was what she told me half a year ago in ezeiza international airport buenos aires?! think about it. lifes crazy.

i love these people. lets see what happens to the new couch.

Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011


..tures online, aggregated to B.A. reloaded album. everyday locura and soccer game public viewing!

Montag, 25. Juli 2011

sleeplessss in B.A.

moin. might be the jetlag whats keeping me awake. or the countless people in the apartment making noise. or the tekkno in the living room. or everything together, but im not in my bed, sleeping, where i should be that time of the day.

nevermind. ive seen a soccer game yesterday!! i do that, if we take it statistically, like twice a year. its not the soccer that makes me watch it. especially not when i dont have a clue whats going on, cause the commentator shouts in spanish. its the excited people around that make it intresting. well we've been to the public viewing, not to the game actually. but it was still the final of the copa america, uruguay/paraguay, and in b.a., surprisesurprise, there live a lot of ppl of both countries. so it was us partypeople in the midst of a thousand screaming and shouting and laughing and crying and dancing uruguayos and a thousand paraguayos who did the same. fuuuhuuunn!!
things happened on the plaza san martin, buenos aires. ah uruguay won, not surprisingly as i was told. congrats. pictures following.

Samstag, 23. Juli 2011

Buenos Aires Reloaded!!

i'm BACK! noone believed that would happen, less that it would happen that fast. almost exactly six months after departure in february im in buenos aires again. fiestaaa?! i DO think so!!!

what can i say.. im in pain! 21 hours on tour, vianna - london - buenos aires. too much hand luggage as i never manage to get my stuff right. five spare hours in london heathrow (weeeeird people running around there..). carrying bags, walking around searching for terminals and gates, searching busses and the final taxi. every inch is hurting right now. anyway. i'd bet my little left toe its worth it.

arriving at la famous madriguera 9am, waking up (almost) everyone and having a tremendous hugging session is just priceless. walking into the legendary apartment, sensing the smell of last nights party (harrrr), counting like 50 new flyers in the living room collection, a flourishing garden. a damaged bathroom, undefineable chaos in the kitchen. and the rest of the apartment. a "bienvenido marion" swag crossing the living room wall :)

bad enough, they started the welcome party yesterday already.. without me!! but still, first afternoon in buenos aires we are all invited to a barbecue (i uploaded a pic of the dead animal!) so im not too dissappointed. cool start after all :) pictures following. stories following.